Insights from the case Studies in Uganda and South Africa

SEED Showcases a Series of Inspiring Case Study Videos about Eco-Inclusive Enterprises Embracing Circular Practices

At SEED, our commitment to fostering the transition to a circular economy is unwavering, and we firmly believe that Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can be instrumental game-changers in this transformative journey. Recognising their potential to curtail carbon emissions, manage waste efficiently, and contribute to community education, we are excited to unveil a compelling series of case study videos focusing on four exemplary circular enterprises in Uganda and South Africa.

Adopting a circular economy model is an efficient and strategic move for businesses to recycle and reuse resources instead of creating more waste. This enables enterprises to reduce waste, diminish their reliance on raw materials, create employment opportunities within their community, and fortify the sustainability of their business models. The case studies helped us learn and showcase how circularity can be achieved in different fields and with varied takes on the circular economy model. Our case studies delve into diverse fields to tell the inspiring stories of these enterprising, while offering varied perspectives on the integration of circularity into their business models.

What we learned from enterprise from Uganda:

EcoPick (U) Ltdrunner-up of the 2021 SEED Low Carbon Award, is on a mission to transform Mbale into a green and clean city by providing waste management services and tools to local underprivileged communities. They have shown us how waste management solution can address the health and environmental issues, as well as simultaneously addressing economic issues. Watch the video here.

Kyaffe Coffee Briquette runner-up of the 2019 SEED Low Carbon Award, is committed to offering fair coffee prices for farmers, providing women with job opportunities and beyond that, creating more value by using coffee husks to create innovative briquettes, as a sustainable alternative to firewood and charcoal. This enterprise demonstrates how a female-led team is able to infuse innovation and circular principles into coffee production, while simultaneously developing innovative eco=friendly products. Watch the video here.

What we learned from enterprise from South Africa:

Litter4tokensrunner-up of the 2021 SEED Low Carbon Award, collect recyclable waste from their community in exchange for tokens, which can then be traded for a variety of products, such as clothes, food and household essentials. Their example helped us learn how community can be educated and strengthened through application of the circular approach to waste management. Watch the video here.

Preserve Botanicarunner-up of the 2021 SEED Low Carbon Award, bring innovation through identification of natural molecules, and cultivation, preservation and extraction of these to be used in the pharmaceutical industry with low toxicity and environmental impact. Their approach exemplifies how all elements of agricultural products and plants can be used innovatively. Watch the video here.

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