EcoPick (U) Limited

Waste management and environmental conservation
2021 SEED Low Carbon Awards; IKI BMU
Waste Management

EcoPick uses mobile stations to provide affordable garbage collection services to the urban poor of Mbale city. It charges $1.5 a month. Currently, it operates a garbage truck where subscribed residents living within walkable distances are able to deliver their garbage for disposal. Paper, plastic and metal waste are separated and sold to different buyers at small prices. Food waste is disposed of at the designated municipal compositing.

EcoPick’s target is to build permanent collection stations (EcoDumps), which will reduce 68% of operation costs and enable the enterprise to reduce its monthly collection fee to $1 a month – translating to greater revenue and impact.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
EcoPick uses mobile stations to provide affordable garbage collection services to the urban poor of Mbale city. They provide better living condition to poor urban households with an affordable waste collection service.
  • Providing better living condition to poor urban households with an affordable waste collection service
  • Created sorting, recycling, production and leadership job opportunities
  • Providing training to staff and raising awareness on waste issues in the community
  • Reduce outbreak of waste related diseases like cholera
  • Contributing to the conservation of the river Nabuyonga by preventing poorly disposed waste flowing into the river
  • Proper waste management of 42 tons of food waste and approximately 11 tons of clinical waste on a weekly basis
  • Creating community awareness on proper disposal of waste through radio, social media, and training of staff from corporate companies


  • Supporting the city council in reducing its expenditure on waste management
  • Increasing disposable income of clients, suppliers, and staff




EcoPick uses mobile stations to provide affordable and below market rates for garbage collection services to the urban poor in Uganda’s Mbale city. To create access for the poor and reduce plastic litter, an equivalent of plastic waste is accepted as payment for garbage disposal.

Mbale City Council being the local authority supports EcoPick with mobilising the community to take up our services as a promising way to create a waste-free city by 2030.

CASA is one of the long-time clients of EcoPick. CASA continues to recommend EcoPick services to other customers and organisations.