1. SEED has opened the Call for Applications for the 2016 Switch Africa Green-SEED Awards, SEED Africa Awards and SEED Gender Equality Awards.
  2. “Food & Trees for Africa” is a social enterprise addressing sustainable development through greening, climate change and food security programs. Started in 1990, FTFA has distributed over 3.8 million trees, facilitated the creation of over 2 500 organic food gardens for the poorest in South Africa and launched the first carbon calculator and the Carbon Protocol in this country.

  3. Ten years ago, at the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in New York, 5 enterprises received the first SEED Awards. They were chosen, from a pool of over 260 entries from 66 countries, for their potential to advance sustainable development in their communities and contribute to the UN's Millennium Development Goals.

  4. In 2015 SEED will make available up to 31 SEED Awards, for which SEED has received support from the European Union, the Government of Flanders, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women) and the international law firm Hogan Lovells. Additional support is provided by the Government of the Netherlands and other SEED Partners.
  5. The SEED Initiative has just launched the 2014 SEED Awards to support entrepreneurs for sustainable development.
  6. SEED Practitioner Labs Climate Finance in Kampala engaged leading experts in their fields to address core financing challenges and deliver innovative, tailored financial solutions which drive the green economy transition in Uganda.
  7. At SEED, the enterprises that we support pioneer business models based on environmental sustainability and the creation of responsible products, services and value chains.
  8. As momentum builds for post-pandemic recovery, eco-inclusive enterprises around the world offer inspiring examples of inspiring solutions. Learn about their response and vision for a green recovery with Frontier Markets (India), Farmerline (Ghana), Amazóniko (Colombia), Gorilla Conservation Coffee (Uganda), Kibébé (Malawi) and EcoPlastile (Uganda).
  9. Siyabuddy empowers community members to collect waste from different sources like shopping centres, hospitals, illegal dumping sites, etc. The company trains the collectors on waste separation, pays them per kg collected and ultimately sells the collected waste to recyclers all across South Africa.
  10. New SEED case study from 2014 Low Carbon Award Winner Last Forest, an enterprise in India that increases the demand for organic agricultural production and offers indigenous communities a sustainable source of income.

  11. Daily Dump works to redefine people’s perception of and relationship with the earth, each other and our urban spaces. It is the first company in India to design a home composter, adapted for tight urban spaces and with a unique terracotta design.

  12. AET AFRICA innovates, manufactures and supplies energy efficiency products for water heating and cooling systems and also conducts research on innovating those technologies.

  13. ONergy Solar is an end-to- end solar solution expert offering design, engineering, manufacturing, installation, O&M and solar consultancy services for solar rooftop powerplant, solar irrigation pumping, solar lighting and microgrids for rural communities in India. Their solutions and services are focused towards reducing energy costs for their customers.
  14. The SEED Awards for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development is an annual awards scheme designed to identify the most innovative and promising locally led start-up eco-inclusive enterprises in developing and emerging economies.
  15. The SEED Awards for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development is an annual awards scheme designed to identify the most innovative and promising locally led start-up eco-inclusive enterprises in developing and emerging economies.
  16. Green Honey Company Limited trains farms to integrate beekeeping into crop farming as a method to reduce chemical use, increase crop yield and food quality. The bee products are purchased from the farmers to provide a ready market. The bee products are then repackaged and sold to retail outlets such as supermarkets.

  17. Stonesoup offers products to promote and create awareness on zero waste lifestyles, such as cloth pads and stemless menstrual cups that promise a rash-free, trash-free and cash-free period, alternatives to plastic like cloth bags and bees wax wraps, and wet waste composters that provide de-centralised methods of managing wet waste to homes and communities.
  18. Mycotech’s team of young Indonesian entrepreneurs collaborates with designers to develop Mylea into end products using co-creative profit-sharing schemes. Beyond producing this innovative material; they aim to create more eco-consciousness in the fashion industry.

  19. Green Bio Energy is a young, award-winning social enterprise, which offers low-income Ugandan families access to cost-saving, eco-friendly and safe energy solutions.
  20. AgriCentric partners with both smallholder farmers and commercial scale farmers to buy their farm waste. The waste is processed into high value organic products: bio-char, bio-fertiliser, dietary supplement for livestock & fish, and bio-pesticides which are then sold back to farmers at cheap prices to enable them to engage in sustainable food production.

  21. Rahsa Nusantara started with wisdom from women on Java Island through ready-to-drink products, promoting female empowerment, local wisdom and a healthy lifestyle. Their products are made naturally from local ingredients and they recycle their organic waste.
  22. Komodo Water provides clean and affordable drinking water on the fresh water-scarce islands of the Komodo National Park in Indonesia. The enterprise is deeply embedded into the communities it works in, hires locally and heads the plastic-free island movement.