SEED 20th anniversary celebration in India

SEED celebrated 10 years of support for India’s transition to low-carbon and green economy since 2013

Mumbai, India 9th December 2022 – SEED celebrated 10 years of support for India’s transition to low-carbon and green economy since 2013 and the inauguration of the SEED India Hub in 2020.

The government of India has implemented the National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) with a focus on promoting understanding of climate change consistent with the national priority for achieving sustainable development. Since 2015, many initiatives have been taken towards strengthening the entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem in the country, the most important of which are Startup India, Skill India and Make in India. In line with this, the SEED India hub implemented various enterprise support programmes and ecosystem development programmes and collaborated with key actors in the sustainable entrepreneurship sector to strengthen the ecosystem for eco-inclusive enterprises. The SEED India Hub is hosted by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI).

As part of SEED 20 years celebration, a get-together event was organised at the Orchid Hotel Mumbai Vile Parle in India. The event reflected on SEED activities in India and gathered SEED-supported enterprises, implementing partners and supporters in the climate-smart entrepreneurship space. Dr. Prasad Modak, Founder at EMC Centre, delivered a speech, underlining the potential of SEED “to impact millions through a very systematic way of programmes and toolkits”. Selected enterprises including Earth Tatva and Stonesoup also shared stories on how SEED programmes supported them in scaling up and optimising their impact.

For more information, or for interview requests with the SEED team, please contact:

Amar Munnolimath

India Country Liaison, SEED

Email: a [dot] munnolimathatseed [dot] uno (a[dot]munnolimath[at]seed[dot]uno)