
Stonesoup offers products to promote and create awareness on zero waste lifestyles, such as cloth pads and stemless menstrual cups that promise a rash-free, trash-free and cash-free period, alternatives to plastic like cloth bags and bees wax wraps, and wet waste composters that provide de-centralised methods of managing wet waste to homes and communities.
These products are distributed through several channels, including retail, e-commerce, partnerships with local municipalities, and the innovative Saathi eco-warrior network of over 100 women.
- Setting up skill development centres for women in 3 semi-urban areas
- Infusing “Period Positivity” in girls and women
- Composting wet waste in-house, encouraging people to grow their own food
- Increasing awareness about waste reduction and circular economy through network of 100+ eco-warriors
- Composting 15,000 kgs of wet waste in Stonesoup composters every day
- Eliminating sanitary waste by manufacture and sale of over 40,000 reusable menstrual care products (24,000,000 pads kept out of landfill thus far)
- Managing 60% of waste locally
- Providing entrepreneurship options to women who can sell Stonesoup products, earning INR 30,000 to 40,000 per month
- Reduce the amount of money women need to spend on disposable sanitary products every month

Rekke Personal Care has products and solutions for sustainable menstruation, and contributes to reducing the amount of sanitary waste going to the landfill.
Aadithi Stonesoup Solutions has products in the space of segregation, composting, and natural cleaners.
Social Venture Partners Philanthropy supports Stonesoup with grant funding and capacity support.