Eco-Inclusive SMEs facilitating transformative change at HLPF 2023

SEED Side Event at High Level Political Forum 2023 at Flanders House in NY

At the occasion of HLPF 2023, an event on "Eco-Inclusive SMEs facilitating transformative change for Nature, Climate, Circular- and Agrifood-Systems delivering towards the SDGs" was organised by SEED and the Government of Flanders, co-organised by Germany in partnership with UN Environment, UNDP, FAO, WFTO and BioFA, July 13, at Flanders House in New York.

With localising the SDGs being one of the main focuses of HLPF 2023, the SEED event was probably the only one involving SMEs, delivering on the ground with and for local communities, facilitating needed transformative change for resilient ecosystems and societies, and for a green economy. The side event highlighted the vital importance of the eco-Inclusive SME-Innovations in contributing to the 2030 Agenda. At a time when the global community is looking for scalable and "down-to-earth" approaches for recovery from the COVID-19 disease and for finding suitable solutions to other emerging environmental and economic challenges, it is of critical importance to pay due attention to showcase the contribution of eco-inclusive SME innovations in the context of the green recovery and SDG Agenda.

Structured around three panels on the contribution of eco-Inclusive SME innovations towards three critical transformations (circular, climate and biodiversity, and agrifood), the event served as a multi-stakeholder platform to exchange with high-level representatives from governments, international organisations and the private sector on how scalable private sector innovations can contribute to the SDGs and the triple transformation needed. The event's unique characteristic is that it actively involved three eco-inclusive entrepreneurs, previously recognised and awarded by SEED for their outstanding innovations and actions. It demonstrated how critical it is to effectively associate small enterprises in planning for and delivering on circularity and sustainability.

You can watch the recording of the event here.

Put on an equal level in a dialogue with representatives from UN Agencies, governments and the business sector, SMEs representatives demonstrated that they can respond to the "how" with adequate local solutions and not only the "what" for action, the other stakeholders have identified. In the clear, circular economy objectives and climate change targets would only be achieved with the SMEs and their local transformative change actions.

Find more information about the event in the agenda here.