Enabling eco-inclusive enterprises to start up and scale up through targeted financing solutions.

SEED Finance activities identify and support the implementation of financing solutions for small and growing eco-inclusive enterprises whose business activities address global environmental, social and economic challenges. Our extensive experience supporting eco-inclusive entrepreneurship through our multiple Direct Enterprise Support and Ecosystem Building programmes has taught us the importance of improving access to targeted financing solutions in order to multiply opportunities for enterprise scale-up and environmental, social and economic impacts. We actively engage financial institutions and other climate finance practitioners to advise on and design innovative climate finance products which are catered specifically to small and growing enterprises. Additionally, we provide enterprises with direct financing options in the form of loans and grants that vary from year to year.

SEED Practitioner Labs: Climate Finance
SEED Practitioner Labs for Climate Finance engage leading experts to address core financing challenges and deliver innovative, tailored financial solutions. Practitioners pool their expertise to prototype financial products which drive investment in climate-smart solutions and improve climate resilience, refine these prototypes and mobilise partnerships to successfully launch the financial products.
SEED Library
In the SEED Library you can read our news, blog and publications about how small and growing eco-inclusive enterprises are leading the Circular Economy transition through their innovative products and services.