Yves Renard

Yves Renard has been involved in natural resource management and sustainable development, mainly in the Caribbean region, over the past three decades. Between 1992 and 2001, he served as Executive Director of the Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI). Over the past six years, he has worked as a consultant to governments, non-governmental organisations and international bodies, carrying out research projects, policy analyses and formulation, trainings and institutional reviews and facilitating development processes in the fields of poverty and environment, poverty reduction and tourism policy. Mr Renard is part of a team of the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) conducting an independent evaluation of a proposal to create a Global Forest Partnership, and currently assists IUCN in the design of a Caribbean Initiative.
Mr Renard has edited books and published a number of guidelines, articles, papers and reports on issues of natural resource management, sustainable development, culture and community development. He serves and has served on the governing bodies of a number of international, national and community-based organisations, inter alia as President of the Caribbean Conservation Association, as Caribbean representative on the Council of IUCN, as President of Panos Caribbean, and as member of the Council of the Québec-based Institut de l’Energie et de l’Environnement de la Francophonie.