Rachid Amrani

Rachid Amrani is the Business Advisory services Programme Manager in Morocco (an EBRD programme funded by EU in Morocco). He is an industrial engineer with a higher degree in management. He worked as a banker for 13 years at the Popular bank group and specialized in financial markets, SME advisory and entrepreneurship. He founded in 2006 Original Invest, a consultancy company based in Technopark specializing in entrepreneurship, SME development and investment.
He managed several projects with a national scope. He developed the first curriculum on innovation and entrepreneurship for a Moroccan university and facilitated the Moroccan strategy to attract diaspora investments. He has been involved in several international programs as a principal expert in the context of the EU Medibtikar project, the IEB Moroccan incubation project, the USAID Resovert network for renewable energy SMEs, the UNDP SME project and many other multi-sector programmes.
Mrs Amrani is an experienced moderator of conferences and seminars. He taught also in engineering schools on topics such as business planning, financing, marketing and entrepreneurship. He was a guest speaker on several radio broadcasts on investment and entrepreneurship. He is a board member of the main association of young entrepreneurs (CJD- Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants) in Morocco.
Mrs Amrani is an IFC-certified expert in access to finance and Infodev expert in innovation and incubation.