Phillip Bohwasi

Phillip Bohwasi is an accomplished Senior Social Worker, Business Enterprise and Community Facilitator, Trainer and a Development Consultant. He has worked with a number of international NGOs including the Redd Barna, Otto Bennecke Foundation, the EU and HIVOS Foundation as a Development and Programming Officer. He has facilitated a number of capacity building and BDS workshops including a regional Rural Finance Workshop involving 6 regional countries for the WKKF grantees. His main areas of experience and expertise include: Human Rights Facilitation, Child Protection, Capacity Building of Small and Local Civic Organisations and community groups, BDS training and programme design, implementation of community based programs and evaluation; development of training materials and tools for demand-driven training, including start-up and founding and building the capacity of new local NGOs and Social Enterprises. Further, Mr Bohwasi is well experienced in Child Protection, Advocacy on Child Rights. He is the current chairman for the Council of Social Workers in Zimbabwe and responsible for liaison with the GSCC on Zimbabwean Trained Social Workers in the UK. Mr Bohwasi is a registered social worker on the current GSCC and Zimbabwe Social Workers register.
Mr Bohwasi has over 21 years of work experience in Social Work, Community Care Work, Capacity Building, Business Development Training and Workshop Facilitation. During this time he has led the formation and establishment of the Zimbabwe Opportunities Industrialisation Center (ZOIC), an organisation involved in building the capacity of community care projects and rural growth-oriented enterprises, including agricultural associations. ZOIC is a social enterprise that facilitates and promotes capacity development to people and communities, entrepreneurs and small enterprises in the informal sector and agro-industry.