Nicole Häusler

Nicole Häusler has several years of experience as Tourism Consultant focusing on Tourism Human Resources Development and Training, Tourism Planning and Marketing, Networking and Association Management but also on Tourism & Poverty Reduction. She lived for six years in Bangkok/Thailand and worked there as a tourism consultant, study tour guide and travel photographer in the region. She has been several times to Vietnam and knows very well its history, culture, environment, current tourism development etc. From 2003-2005 she worked as a Tourism Consultant at the Department of Protected Areas (SERNAP) in La Paz/Bolivia, financed by CIM/GTZ and World Bank. Currently, she is a visiting lecturer in ‘Sustainable Tourism Management’ at the University of Applied Sciences in Eberswalde near Berlin.
Since 2006 she has been Managing Director of ‘mas contour – Tourism Consulting & Regional Planning’. Nicole has worked on the micro and macro level with local communities, the public and private sector, tourism authorities, training centres and local and international NGOs. Being a social anthropologist her special skills are project management, intercultural communication, participatory methodologies, planning and monitoring. Nicole is co-author of the Manual “Tourism as a Field of Activity in German Development Cooperation. A Basic Overview, Priority Areas for Action and Strategic Recommendations” published by GTZ in 2007.