Nguy Thi Khanh

Nguy Thi Khanh is currently GreenID Executive Director and also in charge of advocacy under the Vietnam Rivers Network (VRN). She has 13 years experience in integrated community development, participatory training, networking, advocacy related to environmental governance, river protection and sustainable energy development. She has worked on income generation, community health protection, disaster mitigation, clean water, sanitation, hygiene for ethnic women and girls in Vietnam and recently advocacy for stopping destructive hydropower and for sustainable energy in the Mekong region. Her professional interests and works include good water, energy governance with meaningful participation, transparency, equal access to natural resources for communities especially for vulnerable groups, and sustainable development for a green future.
Since 2008 to 2011, Ms. Khanh took the role of VRN Coordinator. She has expanded VRN cooperation with stakeholders on water governance, water pollution, impacts of mining on water resources and communities, social and environmental impacts of hydropower dams, climate change, public participation in power sector in Vietnam. Acting as a leader, she is one among pioneers in fighting poorly planned hydropower development in Vietnam and advocacy for stopping mainstream dams proposed in the Mekong River. She is also focal point of the Mekong Ecology and Energy Network in Vietnam engaged in reviewing the power development planning process and public participation in this field. She has proven strong commitment, diverse lobbying and advocacy experiences, high reputation and good interaction with government agencies, innovative capability and strong zealousness for green development in Vietnam and in the Mekong Region. She has been also leading VRN’s advocacy projects including campaigns to stop proposed mainstream dams in the lower Mekong River, to cancel two controversial hydropower projects proposed in the Cat Tien National Park. She has been facilitating civil society monitoring on the implementation of safeguard policy in Trung Son hydropower project funded by World Bank. She is an active member of the mitigation group of Climate Change Working Group in Vietnam. Since 2012, she leads her team and partners to develop an energy alliance to promote sustainable energy development in Vietnam and the Mekong basin as a whole.
Ms. Khanh graduated from the Institute of International Relations in Ha Noi, Vietnam. She attended various short training courses, workshop on trans-boundary water management, sustainable energy development in Sweden, South Africa, the Netherlands and the United States. Khanh speaks fluent Vietnamese and English.