Luisa Emilia Reyes Zuniga

Master and Bachelor’s Degree in Studies on International Relations, at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (National Autonomous University of Mexico; UNAM, according to its initials in Spanish). She is also a Bachelor of Arts in Modern English Language and Literature, at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature (FFyL), UNAM. She has studied in Lacanian Psychoanalysis, which she has practised both in teaching as well as in the clinical field. She has specialized in public policies and development issues, with the use of the tool of gender budgets and the gender mainstreaming strategy, as well as the integral disaster risk management approach.
On two occasions she has been a consultant for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and for a joint program between UNAM-World Bank. Currently she is the Coordinator of the Area of Gender Policies and Budgets in Equidad de Genero: Ciudadanía, Trabajo y Familia A.C. (Gender Equity: Citizenship, Work and Family A.C) a non-governmental organization, to mainstream gender perspective in public policies and budgets in different government levels (state and local), as well as in institutions. She is also the Coordinator of the Gender Budgets Training for the SUMA project in Mexico, a three-year project for the political and economic empowerment of women, sponsored by the Fund for Gender Equality, UN Women.