Kudzai Marovanidze

Kudzai is currently working as a Regional Director for Practical Action in Southern Africa, mainly overseeing delivery of rural development work in Zimbabwe, Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique, and chairing the board for Practical Action Consulting in Malawi. Practical Action is a development focused INGO that promotes choice and control over the technologies and practical skills that can enable people living in poverty to meet their needs and reach their potential in a way that safeguards our fragile planet today and for future generations. My role entails being a member of the global senior leadership team (SLT), contributing to the development and implementation of the global 10-year adaptive strategy and allocation of resources, leading the development and rollout of the Southern Africa strategic business plan.
Current work includes activation of local rural economies and rural entrepreneurship among women and the youth by promoting productive and social uses of renewable energy, especially solar and mini-hydro power.
Kudzai has been involved in rural development work since past 17 years. He worked with programmes and projects supported by various donors and development partners such as SIDA, GIZ, DFID, EU, UNDP, USAID, FAO, IOM, States of Jersey (HIV/AIDS Mitigation), OXFAM, UNICEF, and some government ministries in Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia. He holds a BSc Honours Degree in Agriculture (University of Zimbabwe); an MSc in Land and Water Management (Cranfield University - UK), and an MBA in Management (University of Zimbabwe).