Helmy Abouleish

Helmy Abouleish - Graduate of Faculty of Commerce, Major in Business Administration of Cairo University and Marketing Diploma of American University in Cairo - is deeply involved in the development of SEKEM - an initiative started 1977 in the Egyptian desert striving for sustainable development in the fields of economy, culture and social/political life. He is the Managing Director of SEKEM Holding that consists of eight companies (SEKEM for Land Reclamation, Libra, Mizan, Lotus, Atos, Naturetex, Hator, Isis), which cover the fields of biodynamic agriculture cultivation, production of phyto-pharmaceuticals, organic textiles and foodstuff, with a capacity of 2000 people.
Since 2004 Helmy Abouleish is Founder & Chairman of the Egyptian National Competitiveness Council (ENCC) and since 2007 he is Founder & Chairman of Ecotec (Ecological Technologies). From May 2005 until July 2006, he has been appointed as the Executive Director of the Industrial Modernisation Centre (IMC). Furthermore, he was Chairman of the Egyptian Junior Business Association (EJB) from June 2004 to June 2006.
Helmy Abouleish is a member of the Egyptian Delegation to the UNFCCC negotiations on Climate Change of the World Future Council. A renowned leader of sustainable change in the Arab world, he is heading several organizations and is driving manifold initiatives for organic agriculture, corporate sustainability, national and global sustainable development.