Elisea Bebet G Gozun

Elisea “Bebet” G. Gozun, is the former Secretary (Minister) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources in the Philippines. In 2007, she was recognized by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as the Champion of the Earth for Asia and the Pacific (together with Al Gore who was named the Champion of the Earth for North America).
An activist who is involved with many environmental NGOs, she has served as a consultant on environmental management and urban development to the World Bank, ADB, USAID, UN Habitat, UNDP and other development partners. She now serves as Consultant for the World Bank Institute’s Carbon Finance Capacity Building for Emerging Megacities in the South, the World Bank’s Credit Rating Project in the Philippines. She is the Project Director of the Cities Alliance-supported City Development Strategy (CDS) project in the Philippines (which guides the 58 cities on their path to sustainable development to reduce poverty and improve the quality of life of all stakeholders). She is also a consultant of the Environmental Governance component of the USAID-supported ECO-Asia project for Asia (which covers 12 countries in Asia).
In the region, she chairs the Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities Partnership Council (CAI-Asia); is a Board Member of the Environment and Economics Programme for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA); and, is a member of the Advisory Committee of the ADB and GTZ-assisted City Development Initiatives in Asia (CDIA).
In the Philippines, she chairs the Earth Day Network Philippines, the Earth Council Asia Pacific Philippines and the Philippine Council for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development Inc. (which serves as the secretariat for the ecolabeling program in the country). She also serves as the Vice President of the Solid Waste Management Association of the Philippines (SWAPP) and the Partnership for Clean Air (PCA); Director of the Philippine Business for the Environment (PBE); Board of Trustees of the Philippine Tropical Forest Conservation Foundation; and, member of the Advisory Board of the WWF-Philippines. She was also designated as a member of the Advisory Committee to the Supreme Court (SC) to oversee the implementation of the SC decision on the clean up of Manila Bay.
She is the Program Director of the Green Kalinga program of Gawad Kalinga. It aims to bring the poor out of extreme poverty by providing land for the landless, home for the homeless and food on the table while ensuring that their communities live in harmony with nature, consume responsibly and do not degrade the environment.
She is the proud mother of 2 - Karla and Jose Antonio.