Ato Ulzen Appiah
Ato Ulzen-Appiah is a (social) entrepreneur, consultant, social media influencer and blogger. He studied at MIT and Stanford in Civil Engineering and Management disciplines.
He is the Executive Director of the GhanaThink Foundation, a social enterprise which mobilizes & organizes talent. GhanaThink Foundation implements various programs in networking, mentoring, volunteering and training targeting youth. Ato’s main focus areas are youth, technology and agriculture. On top of his work at GhanaThink, he has consulted for various organizations, including the International Trade Centre and the World Bank. He is a Program Officer at the Kosmos Innovation Center (run by DAI Global for Kosmos Energy), mentoring and coaching incubated startups, amongst other responsibilities.
Prior to this, he worked at Rancard as product manager, building new revenue services for its platform. He worked at Google as a program manager building sustainable technology communities in Africa. Ato has given speeches at various international forums, including the World Bank Diaspora Trade Forum, African Business Conference at Harvard, and the World Economic Forum on Africa in Cape Town. He is a member of the Global Shapers Alumni, part of the World Economic Forum community. He co-founded - an African music website and blogs at