Ana Victoria Rogas

Ana Victoria Rogas
ENERGIA/ETC Foundation

Ana V Rogas has more than twelve years of experience working on environment and development issues, with a strong climate change background -with emphasis on international negotiations, national policies, their impacts on small-scale projects and community-based mitigation and adaptation strategies. She graduated in 2001 with a Bachelor and Licenciatura degree in Law from the University of Costa Rica; her graduation thesis was “Legal and Institutional Framework of the Clean Development Mechanism.” While studying, she joined CEDARENA –a Costa Rican Environmental Law Center- in 1999, where she acquired an extensive experience working with community-based projects, networking, and policy analysis. During this time Ms Rojas engaged in a series of trainings on climate change policies and LULUCF opportunities in Latin America; she was also a Regional Consultant for FAO for the evaluation and analysis of the regional institutional and legal framework for forests and climate change in Central America.

In 2003 she moved to the Netherlands to pursue her M.Sc. on Environmental Management, at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University Amsterdam) and graduated with honours in 2004. Afterwards, she joined Both ENDS’ Strategic Cooperation Unit; where she participated in the analysis on synergies between international environmental policies and the inception of adaptation strategies in South East Asia.

Ms Rojas is currently a consultant at the ETC Foundation and for the past five years has provided support to ENERGIA –the International Network on Gender an Sustainable Energy- network members on the topic of climate change adaptation and mitigation activities and coordinates the network’s advocacy activities at the UNFCCC negotiation process. Furthermore, Ms Rojas provides technical support to the network’s activities on international policy advocacy, gender audits of energy policies, technical advice to energy projects, training of trainers and practitioners, research and case study development, network building and knowledge management in Asia.