Biopane Energy Company

Biopage Energy Company provides a peer-to-peer trading platform for clean energy sources and environmentally-responsible services. The platform covers a variety of clean energy sources such as solar energy, biogas, biomass and briquettes, as well as services such as waste management and smart farming.
The platform connects local households, industries, institutions, and housing communities. By using blockchain technology, the enterprise adds transparency to the clean energy sector.
Co-creating a more sustainable ecosystem by offering a platform for renewable energy sources and low-carbon alternatives to key activities.
Promoting social and economic sustainability by enabling the participation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the clean energy sector.
Strengthening the local economy by connecting rural and urban communities with clean energy suppliers, especially small and medium enterprises (SMEs).
The Kenyatta University Chandaria Incubation Centre provides entrepreneurial training and mentorship, as well as access to a powerful network for the growth of the company.