
MakaaZingira Enterprise has, since 2009, trained rural farmers to produce sustainable charcoal from fast-growing shrubs. Charcoal is the primary fuel source for people in East Africa, providing over 82 % of all cooking and heating supplies. The MakaaZingira eco-charcoal briquettes are made from fast growing indigenous shrubs which are sustainably harvested, carbonised, mixed with waste cassava and coconut fibre and then compressed.
- Advocating for gender equality and youth involvement through community training and outreach programmes; all community leadership positions are shared on a 50-50 basis between women and men whilst ensuring youth representation.
- Offering farmers fast growing indigenous shrubs as an alternative to lump wood charcoal which contributes to the conservation of nature and slow-growing indigenous hardwood species.
- Providing a long-term solution to the habitat loss.
- Creating employment for more than 40 farmers with another 180 expected to join by 2011.
- Providing products to two large supermarket chains totaling some 36 outlets.
Wild Living Resources (WLR) is responsible for ethical and sustainable production; technical assistance; supervision; management guidance and assists with market access.
MakaaZingira community members that undertake the ethical and sustainable production of MakaaZingiraeco-charcoal briquettes.
Kenya Organic Agricultural Network (KOAN) provides technical training for Community Based Organisations/Small and Medium Enterprises in sustainable land use, production, value addition, and marketing.