Awamu Biomass Energy Ltd.

Awamu Biomass Energy Ltd. designs, manufactures and sells highly efficient cookstoves that turn dry biomass fuel into charcoal through pyrolysis technology. The innovative cookstoves consume less fuel, reduce deforestation and make use of agricultural biomass, which improves waste management in the area. The enterprise sensitises community members to the impact of climate change. Through training it encourages customers to use biomass instead of charcoal for cooking, which reduces indoor air pollution and carbon monoxide emissions.
- Improving the health of community members by reducing smoke from cooking.
- Providing women with new sources of income, reducing the time spent collecting firewood and cooking.
- Educating rural communities on climate change, technological processes and income generation.
- Improving management of agricultural waste and land use.
- Reducing CO2 emissions through the innovative technology used in the stoves.
- Promoting tree planting and sustainable resource management in the region.
- Improving livelihoods, as community members spend less money on fuel and fertilisers.
- Contributing to business development in rural areas by organising the fuel supply chains.
- Providing business management skills to staff and promoting entrepreneurship.

Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) provides the enterprise with technical support on testing and improving the stoves.
Biomass Energy Efficient Technologies Association (BEETA) promotes the use of improved stoves and other advanced biomass energy technologies.
The Giving Hope Foundation (GHF) creates awareness about the improved cookstoves and shares working space for the training sessions.