Brent Technologies

Brent Technologies sources waste motor oil from various suppliers and recycles it into diesel fuel and motor oil using an innovative, low-cost technology. The wastes from the process are also used to make roofing shingles. These outputs are then sold to the market, creating an eco-friendly supply chain.
A wide network of collectors from various cities and suburbs helps supply waste motor oil to the refinery. The waste is collected weekly and suppliers are reimbursed for the resources supplied.
- Mitigating negative health impacts from contaminated agricultural produce and from burning waste oil.
- Increasing agricultural yields by reducing soil pollution caused by mismanagement of motor oil waste.
- Training workers for the refinery and offering employment opportunities.
- Reducing oil pollution in crucial resources like soil and water - one litre of oil pollutes one mil litres of water.
- Decreasing the burning of waste oils that produce toxic fumes and exacerbate climate change.
- Refining 1,000 litres of waste oil per day in 2017.
- Opening a sales office in Kampala by the end of 2017 to enable easier access to the market and supplies.
- Ameliorating the shortage of diesel and associated disturbances in transport.
- Reducing the country’s dependence on imported oils and lower foreign currency expenditure on resources.

Brent Technologies Ltd originally developed the technology, and today organises the network of suppliers and processes and sells the motor oil, diesel and shingles.
Desbro Uganda Ltd is the largest chemical distributor in East Africa. They supply chemicals and other supplies used in the waste oil recycling process.
MK Transporters provide transportation services to the enterprise.
Muwonge Auto Supplies are oil product distributors who partner with the enterprise to redistribute the outputs from the recycling process.