Wuchi Wami

Zambia has alarming rates of deforestation. Wuchi Wami has been in operation since 2018 in north western Zambia. It packages, brands, markets and distribute local raw and organic Honey for health-conscious clients. The honey is sourced from the wild miombo forests, located in the Mwinilunga North-western province of Zambia. It is processed through its registered cooperative which sees 2,500 farmers participating in Bee Keeping in an out-growers scheme model.
Wuchi Wami equips smallholder farmers with modern beehives that are environmentally friendly and do not support deforestation. The model provides an alternative income to women from charcoal burning. Wuchi Wami processes, brands and distributes this locally produced raw, organic and unpasteurized honey by an out-growers scheme registered under Kwasha indimi cooperative in Mwinilunga. This honey is then distributed to our clients through the Chain stores country wide.
- Creating sustainable livelihoods through an out-grower scheme with +2,500 small scale farmers
- Working with soft wood modern beehives that are easy to manage and are less labour intense
- Involving women and youth in the beekeeping farming
- Supporting honey bee health research and deliver practical training and information
- Preserving forests with modern soft wood beehives; replacing the traditional model which involves cutting down miombo trees to make beehives and charcoal
- With +2,500 farmers practicing beekeeping with modern beehives, they are saving +125,000 trees
- Generating income for +2,500 small scale farmers to date

Prospero Zambia supports Wuchi Wami through grant, technical assistance and capacity building as well as investor readiness.
Zambia’s Development Agency promotes and facilitates trade, investment and enterprise development. They facilitate the enterprise trading connection with Choppies Chain Stores and many more.