Tia Nuru

Offers consultancy and training services in the area of green building and sustainable lifestyle
2013 SEED Africa Award; European Union
Green Technologies

Tia Nuru offers consultancy and training services in the area of green building and sustainable lifestyle in the city of Arusha, which is currently experiencing a property boom. To reach both low- and high-income groups, products and pricing are differentiated depending on the target group: homeowners, hotels and lodges, corporations, schools or NGOs. The enterprise offers products and training courses in cob building, compost toilets, grey-water reuse systems and sustainable farming. It reaches its clients via existing information networks and through its partners.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Tia Nuru reduces the environmental footprint of their customers while promoting new services to the local community and preserving local resources. 
  • Empowering the community of Arusha through providing training in green building, enabling the community to implement sustainable practices locally.
  • Raising environmental awareness among school children by providing training in sustainable lifestyles, targeting over 150 children per year in five years time.
  • Reducing GHG emissions by avoiding manufactured building materials, such as cement, and increasing energy efficiency.
  • Increasing the use of environmentally friendly materials, such as cob for walls.
  • Reducing water use through the installation of compost toilets and grey-water reuse systems.
  • Currently providing employment opportunities for five people, with the potential to hire more than 20 people in the next five years, each with annual income of USD 900.




This enterprise enables and empowers individuals through consultation, educational events and training in how to build sustainable living systems. This comprises cob building, compost toilets, grey-water re-use systems, and sustainable farming. In this way the enterprise reduces the environmental footprint of their customers while promoting new services to the local community and preserving local resources. 

Jobortunity is a training institute that enables vulnerable young people aged 18 – 24 to get jobs in the hospitality industry and keep them. It implements the building skills and work attitude training programme.

Earth Products is an enterprise supplying and installing clay tiles and tanga stone. It offers practical skills training in floor construction and develops new sustainable products for houses. 

Mti Mmoja Mazingira is a non-profit community project encouraging forest conservation. It supports an indigenous tree-planting initiative to compensate for the trees used in green building.