SAMAC Engineering Solutions

SAMAC’s offering is a single phase air conditioner that can be operated off-grid targeting the event management market. The business model includes direct sales as well as a lease model where entrepreneurs can lease units at a fixed cost.
SAMAC provides its products to a market that currently cannot afford such services due to high electricity costs and addresses private and commercial customers, focusing on event management companies.
- Employing 5 young people from peri-urban communities and training them in various skills such as design, energy management and administration
- Developing products that reduce energy usage of air conditioning by 25% to 35
- Engaging Standard Bank to run a trial on their bank branches with the commitment to rolling out the product to their other branches if test runs are successful

Technology Innovation Agency (TIA) as a government agency is the main funder for the technology development of SAMAC Engineering Solutions
Phase Change Energy Solutions supplies SAMAC with energy saving blankets, giving SAMAC a first mover advantage on the technology
Green Building Council of South Africa is used by SAMAC in designing green products