Rural Environmental Sustainability Initiative Limited (RESI)

RESI offers clean biogas to remote homes in rural Uganda, working with established farmer cooperatives by offering training and capacity building. Each home (with at least 3 cows) is installed with a biogas digester which is supervised by women energy cluster leaders, and maintained by youth technical personnel.
RESI provides training for cluster leaders (usually a woman) and youths on installation and maintenance of the biogas digester powered by a solar booster pump.
- Creating over 500 job opportunities for youth and women in rural areas to be productive citizens by 2024.
- Providing clean cooking energy to 2,000 households in rural Uganda by 2024 to reduce household air pollution related deaths.
- Reducing rural household carbon footprint by 70% by reducing dependency on firewood.
- Removing 52,200 tonnes of carbon emissions per year per biogas plant.
- Planting over 2 million trees through climate and environment education programmes.
- Generating over 30 billion shillings in revenue and 500 job opportunities in the long run.
- Saving 4 million shillings in annual energy expenditure per household.
- Empowering women to be leaders in green energy and training youths with technical skills to support each cluster.

ENVenture provides financial support and technical knowledge on last mile clean energy distribution in rural Africa.
Renewable Energy Business Incubator REBi offers technical biogas training to the team and incubation for biogas technology development and finance.
SPR Eco Fuel acts as originator and provider of balloon biogas technology and providing training on biogas technology.
Finding XY provides RESI with replication support in adopting SPR Eco Fuel’s business model.
Nyonta Relief partners with RESI as provider of last mile distributed clean drinking water technology in rural Uganda.