Piratas do Pau Upcycling Centre

Training young Mozambicans to produce modern products from waste materials
2014 SEED Africa Award; European Union
Waste Management

PdP provides young unskilled Mozambicans with the chance to train and work as a craftsperson or designer in a unique upcycling centre which designs appealing modern household products, including furniture, soft furnishings and bags, from reclaimed materials.

As competition comprises low-quality imported furniture and traditional style furniture, demand for unique quality products is high. Currently all products are sold locally, using 90 % reclaimed materials.

Due to the high percentage of reclaimed materials used and the appealing designs of its products, particularly its modern furniture range, PdP reduces waste and encourages people to think about upcycling, rather than buying imported products or products made from mining and logging.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
PdP’s environmentally-conscious upcycled products create jobs, training and new possibilities for Mozambique’s underprivileged youth. By creating a unique product line, the enterprise has created a niche market with growing demand, stimulating the local economy and creating more jobs indirectly.
  • Training young Mozambicans to be craftspeople and designers.
  • Providing not just manual skills but training in mathematics, technical drawing, design, management and project planning
  • Empowering young people to obtain employment and new opportunities.
  • Using 90% reclaimed materials, including disused wood, thereby reducing waste.
  • Educating people about upcycling and decreasing demand for new products.
  • Reducing carbon emissions created by transport involved with imported products
  • Generating incomes for over ten people including four trainees.
  • Stimulating the economy and creating a new market for modern furniture design that previously did not exist.
  • Creating a value chain that sees 100 % of the upcycled products sold locally.


Piratas do Pau Upcycling Centre employs and trains underprivileged youth in the design and production of modern furniture and other household products made from 90 per cent reclaimed materials. The enterprise reduces waste and teaches Mozambicans about the benefits of up-cycling.

Abdesign Unipessoal is a design business with a social and environmentally-responsible focus and the enterprise’s lead partner. It founded the brand Piratas do Pau and set up the training programme and upcycling centre.

Action Humanitaire contre la Délinquance is a non-profit organisation that is assisting with the setting up of the training programme and fundraising activities and supporting marketing and communications.

Centro de Formação Profissional da UGC DA is a training centre outside of Maputo involved in selecting trainees, running the training programme and hosting the upcycling centre.

Associação Moçambicana de Reciclagem is the biggest collector of re-usable waste in Mozambique and provides PdP with access to construction wood, pallets and other materials.