New Life

Re-introducing and commercialising native crops
Sustainable Agriculture

Building on the introduction of organic farming practices and native species of Andean cereals and tubers (potatoes), a micro-savings system, and reforestation activities, this partnership aims to further empower women and improve local communities’ food security.

With white onion being their sole source of income, local farmers were facing food insecurity and complete dependence on local markets. Starting with the formation of a women’s organisation (The New Life Association of Indigenous Women (Nueva Vida) in three neighbouring communities, this women’s initiative has so far re-introduced 30 native species of agricultural crops - cereals and tubers - which are now being used both for their local consumption and for sale through the women’s association.

Driven by concerns over the loss of biodiversity and soil degradation, the women’s organisation has introduced organic farming practices and undertaken reforestation activities. A savings system ensuring financial viability of the initiative has been established.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
New life empowers women and improves food security by promoting organic farming practices and native species of Andean cereals and tubers (potatoes).
  • Capacity-building for the women in economics, financing and marketing.
  • Establishing a certification system for its products. 
  • Raising public awareness of the label system to increase market recognition and sales of products. 
  • Introducing organic farming practices.
  • Undertaking reforestation activities. 
  • Raising awareness on protecting biodiversity and soil degradation. 



  • Commercialising agricultural products such as Melloco, Mashua and Oca; and locally produced jam.
  • Building alliances and widen the local and regional network of commercial partners.
  • Establish a micro company to better sell the products of the communities. 


‘New Life’ has reintroduced native cereal and tuber crops. The effects are to diversify food production, improve local food security and reduce soil degradation. The partnership sells surplus yield in the form of jams, and chocolates through a women’s organisation it has created in three communities.

Association of Indigenous Women of the New Life Community of Lupaxi Convalecencia

Ministry of Agriculture and Cattle


Women’s National Council