Nadero Ventures

Biodigesters to convert biowaste into cooking fuel and bio-fertilizer
Waste Management

Nadero tackles the problems of poor sanitation, deforestation and unsustainable use of charcoal and firewood, as well as the use of harmful chemical fertilizers. By constructing biodigesters and training the customers on management, sanitation is improved.

Nadero's biodigesters are custom-made, ranging from portable poly-tanks to underground tanks. Customers can arrange disposal of waste with Nadero. The large amounts of biowaste produced are converted to cooking fuel and organic fertilizer at low costs. The fertilizer is sold to other farmers. Nadero hopes to establish its own farm and utilise the biofertilizers to create organic produce for local markets. Its organic vegetables will serve as an incentive for customers to provide the company with their waste.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
While improving sanitation in a more rural area, Nadero sources clean energy and produce low-cost organic fertilizer.
  • Methanization of biowaste as a source of clean energy and organic fertilizer as an environmentally friendly alternative.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Improving sanitation and health.
  • Creating jobs for women along the value chain.
  • Producing affordable energy.
  • Increasing soil fertility leading to increases in yield
  • Diversifying income for farmer households with Nadero arrangements.


The enterprise builds tailor-made biodigesters for customers and trains them on sustenance. The biowaste is then converted into cooking fuel and bio-fertilizer.