Mootoo Cashew Suppliers Limited Zambia

Save the Earth, Feed the Nation.
Sustainable Agriculture

Mooto Cashew Suppliers Ltd sells hybrid cashew tree seedlings with an early maturity period and a very high yield. This has won them a large market from local farmers and government.

The project is being implemented in the Western province of Zambia which is highly affected by
deforestation caused by charcoal burning, the main source of livelihood in the area.  It is aimed at reforesting the area with hybrid drought resistant cashew trees with an early maturity; this will enhance the region’s ecosystem and provided a viable livelihood alternative to the communities in it.


Mooto Cashew Suppliers Ltd produces hybrid cashew seedlings with an early maturity and higher yield. These are sold to charcoal burning farmers, to enourage a move away from charcoal and towards cashew tree planting and cashew sale; a high selling product both locally and on the global market.