Magiro Hydro Electric Limited

Generating affordable hydropower in rural areas
2016 SAG-SEED Awards; SWITCH-Africa Green
Clean Energy

Magiro Hydro Electricity Limited (MHEL) has developed an innovative small scale 30 kW hydropower plant in Mihuti Village, which is solely composed of locally available standard engines, recycled bicycle parts and generates electricity from a local waterfall. As MHEL avoids the common connection charges of electricity suppliers and offers flexible pricing for its electricity supply, it offers affordable rates for both private households and local businesses, charging as low as USD 1 per month.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
MHEL provides highly affordable, renewable energy to residents of Mihuti Village, leading to socio-economic benefits and increased security. Residents have more disposable income from cheaper electricity, and students can easily study at night.
  • Expanding off-grid electricity to 77 households and businesses in rural areas, targeting 500 households in 3 years.
  • Enhancing health standards, educational opportunities and village safety.
  • Saving time for women and girls by substituting firewood collection and increasing household income.
  • Limiting carbon emissions through clean energy which substitutes kerosene.
  • Increasing energy security from a renewable energy source.
  • Reducing deforestation from substituting firewood as a fuel source.



  • Developing affordable and quality means of generating electricity ($1 per month) as compared to kerosene lamps ($24 per month).
  • Increasing productivity for small businesses who can serve customers for longer periods.




Magiro Hydro Electricity Limited (MHEL) uses modified bicycle parts and simple motors to generate hydropower from a local waterfall, supplying inexpensive, renewable energy to rural village residents who otherwise would use kerosene and firewood.

Magiro Hydro Electric Limited (MHEL) lays down the infrastructure and generates hydropower in Mihuti Village.

The National Environment Trust Fund is a government organisation that provides business and technical training to MHEL.

The Pollination Project, a global funding platform, has previously supported MHEL with a seed grant of Kes 100,000.