Kukula Solar

Kukula Solar Transforming Lives Through Solar
2019 SEED Africa & South Africa Climate Adaptation Awards; Government of Flanders
Clean Energy

Kukula Solar purchases solar products wholesale from the manufacturer and sells them to customers directly through the solarpreneurs stationed at the community or nearby. Solarpreneurs are the link between Kukula Solar and local communities. Engaging Traditional Leaders is key to building trust and credibility within the villages. Customers are generally families living on less than $2 a day without access to electricity. Some products, generally smaller units, are sold outright, others are purchased under a rent-to-own system.

Eco-inclusive Impacts
Kukula has distributed 3,058 solar lanterns to women and girls in hard to reach communities in East Zambia. The distributed solar lanterns have saved families money to start vegetable gardens, buy domestic animals for rearing, or shoes and uniforms for their children and improved nutrition.
  • Employing women as Solarpreneurs give them extra income contribute to their self-confidence and strengthens their communities
  • Saving families money to fund education and livelihoods
  • Reducing pollution-related diseases by decreased usage of kerosene
  • Displacing kerosene will eliminate more than 4,000 tonnes of CO2 every year once 20,000 units are deployed (a near term goal) and continue to grow with each additional sale

  • Employing youth and women as Solarpreneurs to help distribute solar lanterns to last-mile communities enables earning an acceptable income, improving study habits, planning for their future and reinvesting in local communities.   


Kukula Solar is a social venture on a mission to distribute 100,000 solar products to last mile communities through a rent-to-own model.

Greenlight Planet supplies discounted solar products warranted for two years. They also provide marketing and technical support, including advanced products capable of cell phone verification of payments.

Angaza will accelerate Kukula Solar’s distribution in rural communities by its PayGo mobile platform which is compatible with the Greenlight technology.

Three traditional leaders are partners to help distribute solar lanterns to their 40,000 villagers including across Zambia’s border and into Malawi.