InteWaste - Intelligent Waste Management Solutions

Providing recycled briquettes as a reliable and sustainable energy source
2019 SEED Africa & South Africa Climate Adaptation Awards; Government of Flanders
Waste Management

InteWaste produces briquettes through waste recycling as a sustainable, clean source of energy. Other products offered are compost manure to promote smart agricultural practices amongst smallholder farmers. The company recruits production, packaging and sales force from local youth and women, thereby providing them with a formal income and education.

The enterprise targets households and public institutions in areas without access to reliable, affordable clean energy sources and also provides add-on equipment for briquette users, such as briquette-compatible cooking stoves.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Through its waste collection services, InteWaste has reduced the amount of plastic being burnt and thus limited the release of greenhouse and toxic gases
  • Employing nine women and eight youth
  • Promoting small business development initiatives through business management trainings for the local community (i.e. women groups and farmer clubs)
  • Producing biomass briquettes that reduce the carbon footprint of private households and local institutions
  • Improving sanitation and hygiene though waste collection
  • Reducing the amount of plastic waste burnt by private households, thereby reducing the creation of greenhouse and toxic gases
  • Contributing to the income generation of three local farmer clubs who sell their compost manure


InteWaste aims to provide recycled briquettes as a reliable and sustainable energy source to private households, institutions and communities. Apart from briquette production, InteWaste provides waste collection services and add-on equipment for briquette users, such as briquette-ready cook stoves

AIESEC as an international organisation brings young experts in waste and environmental management to Malawi for cross-cultural exchange and training

National Youth Council of Malawi supports InteWaste through its local community, providing workshops on eco-inclusive, entrepreneurship and climate change mitigation.