Hydrogreens Agri Solutions Pvt., Ltd.

Vertical farming systems to increase productivity and reduce environmental impact
2021 SEED Low Carbon Awards; IKI BMU
Sustainable Agriculture

Hydrogreens sells vertical farming systems directly to farmers offering them grant support. Their key customers are small-scale dairy farmers in semi-arid, dry and arid regions. Farmers could grow fodder in summer, nursery plants in rainy season, oyster mushrooms in winter.

By using their systems, cows produce 1 to 3 litres more milk, reduce feed concentrates by up to 50%, and sheep weight 2 to 3 kgs more, increasing productivity for local farmers.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Hydrogreens employs local farmers, about 46% of which are women, enables 28 acres of land to be used for horticultural purposes while offering a sustainable solution using solar energy to power farming systems.
  • Providing employment for the local communities
  • Supporting women empowerment where about 46% of beneficiaries are women


  • Helping reduce 4% methane per cattle per year
  • Saving 17mil litres of water
  • Using solar energy to power the farming systems


  • Increasing incomes for farmers: about 64,000 Euros cumulative income
  • Recovering 28 acres of land for horticultural purposes
  • Reducing the electricity bill to local communities to less than Rs 70 per year


Hydrogreens designs low cost microclimate controlled vertical farming systems for dairy farmers to grow high protein fodder that increases productivity and reduces environmental impact.

Vilgro Innovations Foundation supports them with a grant to build the team and scale the product, as well as mentorship, market access and networking, and business reviews.

SustainPlus offers grant support to farmers to access their systems. They also identify beneficiaries and monitor feedback and interventions’ impact.