
Hustlenomics targets low-income homeowners with informal backyard shacks who cannot access traditional home improvement financing. Hustlenomics replaces these shacks with durable structures using recycled bricks. It applies an innovative shared home financing model where rental income generated from the completed structure is used to recoup building costs, before eventually obtaining full ownership.
The initial costs borne by Hustlenomics include building materials, labour costs, and transaction costs for the search for tenants to occupy the space for rental.
- Providing an affordable and accessible alternative form of accommodation/shelter to the poorer sectors of the community.
- Providing valuable employment opportunities to vulnerable members of the community including training them in sustainable construction methods.
- Training and employing 16 women and youth.
- Diverting construction waste into valuable and affordable building material.
- Building temporal structures for the pilot backyard shack dweller using customised interlocking bricks.
- Disseminating recycled bricks to local hardware stores and private homeowners.
- Creating sustainable income for households, while creating affordable rental accommodation for low-income earners.
- Providing substantial volumes of rental units affordable to households earning well below R3,500 per month and accommodation for intermediate and smaller-sized households.

Junzi is an urban planning agency providing architectural designs and planning, engineering consultancy and municipal approval.
tuphcon pty is a collective of qualified artisans providing building and plumbing services and also training in construction for local communities.
Climate Innovation Centre South Africa (CISCA) is a national incubator, providing funding and business development consultancy to Hustlenomics.