Growing a Sustainable Future: Sustain for Life Hospital Gardens

Sustain for Life’s hospital gardens at Bwindi Community and St Francis Mutolere Hospitals in Uganda provide patients and staff with food while offering a platform for training communities in sustainable agriculture, nutrition and sanitation. This helps them become self-sufficient, using low-cost solutions to combat hunger. Sustain for Life generates income by selling surplus food produced in its gardens. It also helps participants replicate the skills they have learnt in their own communities, increasing the impact of the enterprise.
- Providing sustainable agricultural skills for disadvantaged groups, especially women.
- Creating job opportunities for women and promoting gender equity.
- Improving hospital patients’ health through nutrition.
- Implementing sustainable organic agriculture.
- Improving land use and energy efficiency by teaching more environmentally forms of food production and processing.
- Promoting recycling and waste management during training courses.
- Establishing collaborations between farmers and creating new markets.
- Providing community members with alternative opportunities for generating income.
- Introducing community to new, high-income crops that can be sold to external markets.
Sustain for Life developed the agricultural enterprise at two hospitals in southwest Uganda and continues to support them.
Bwindi Community Hospital donates land and directly implements the project through training in sustainable agriculture skills and producing nutritious food.
St Francis Hospital Mutolere provides land, promotes sustainable organic agriculture, produces quality food for the hospital.