Green Impact Technologies

Providing affordable renewable energy through PAYG to un-electrified communities
2019 SEED Africa & South Africa Climate Adaptation Awards; Government of Flanders
Clean Energy

Green Impact Technologies (GIT) operates a PAYG business model, where last-mile customers pay local agents an installation fee and then upload credit periodically through mobile money. GIT is also developing a biogas plant which will generate energy from agricultural waste at Tsangano market for use by local restaurant entrepreneurs.

Alongside the innovative PAYG model, Green Impact Technologies provides certified products with a 2 year warranty and after sales service. By training local agents, GIT ensures both quality products and services.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Green Impact Technologies has brought affordable renewable energy to over 5,000 households, and is scaling its impact by bringing biogas to local entrepreneurs at Tsangano market.
  • Providing solar home systems in un-electrified communities (5,000 households served so far)
  • Allowing school goers to spend longer studying in the evening
  • Reducing health issues that stem from using charcoal indoors
  • Reducing CO2 emissions from using charcoal and firewood with about 50,000 tCO2eq emission reductions in the past year of operation
  • Addressing the issue of deforestation, in which families cut down trees to use as fuel
  • Supporting economic development as businesses can run longer hours with a stable source of energy
  • Creating jobs through a PAYG agent approach, installation and marketing


Green Impact Techologies (GIT) sells solar home systems to rural communities, providing affordable clean energy, and creating jobs. GIT is building a biogas plant at Tsangano market to provide cooking gas to restaurants and households, reducing the time women spend collecting firewood.

Malawi University of Science and Technology provides technical support for a build-own-operate model biogas plant in Tsangano market.

Greenwing Capital is a microfinance institution that acts as agents for selling the product through its distribution channels.

MAIVE is a GIZ funded program that supports Green Impact Technologies with marketing their products.

United States African Development Foundation is supporting the procurement of 600 solar home systems in 2019.