Green Heat

The enterprise installs and markets three types of biogas digesters to urban and rural households, schools, prisons, hospitals and tourist lodges in Uganda. Households can obtain the digesters with a pay-as-you-go financial plan or renting the appliances in monthlyinstalments. After-sales services are offered for the first six months after installation.
The three designs – fixed dome, floating drum and flexible balloon – decay organic material collected from agricultural waste or enterprise-designed latrines to produce biogas fuel for cooking and heating.
Biogas digesters installed by Green Heat improve household health and life expectancy by decreasing air pollution from traditional energy sources and improving waste management. Income and productivity also increase in households as workload spent on gathering firewood decreases by two to three hours each day.
- Decreasing air pollution caused by firewood and charcoal used during cooking, which will disproportionally benefit women and children.
- Promoting UN Millennium Development Goals, like reducing poverty in communities.
- Reducing deforestation and biodiversity loss by substituting firewood as an energy source.
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from decomposing wastes and the use of firewood and charcoal.
- Improving water quality by decreasing the leakage of waste into groundwater and reservoirs.
- Creating employment opportunities for 50 workers.
- Reducing household workloads associated with firewood collection by two to three hours each day.
- Decreasing health care costs by USD 60-100 per family each year.
- Cutting families’ fuel costs; savings total over USD 35,000 each year.
Green Heat Ltd. is a company that offers biogas digester construction and after-sales services to rural and semi-urban households and institutions.
The Centre for Research in Energy and Energy Conservation (CREEC) collaborates with the enterprise on the development and testing of biogas appliances. The Centre is equipped with a laboratory for conducting tests and applied research.
The Rural Youth Poverty Eradication Initiative (RYPEI) is a grassroots non-profit organisation that promotes sustainable development and partners with the enterprise to motivate and encourage communities to endorse biogas digesters.