GooGreens 18 Co., Ltd.

A complete smart waste management solution – One Piece One Point
2021 SEED Low Carbon Awards; IKI BMU
Waste Management

GooGreens offers points through easy-to-access automatic recycled waste collection dispensers where members can convert points to rewards. The point-to-point waste segregation platform is linked to recycling vending machines using IoT and AI sensors to classify recycled materials and transmit data in real time.

This system links household waste management efforts with transportation systems and recycled material processing plants, making it easy for everyone to access and sustainably reduce the problem of waste overflowing in big cities.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
GooGreens reduces social discrimination and improves the quality of life of people with disabilities and/or homelessness through fair employment. The enterprise is changing attitudes on recycling and has a positive environmental impact.
  •  Changing the attitude and behaviour of Thais in waste management by enforcing and rewarding them to separate their waste
  • Reducing social discrimination and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and/or suffering from homelessness
  • Reaching 10,000 people to use the automated recycling waste bins and 3 municipalities in different parts of Thailand
  • Recycled 39,351kg of material (57% glass, 20% paper, 18.5% plastic, 4% iron and 0.5% aluminium), meaning a reduction of 33,713 kgs of CO2 in 2020
  • Collecting 50 tonnes of recycled material annually into the system, creating value of 700,000 baht
  • Generating income for disabled and homeless people, 400 baht for 5-hour work



GooGreens is a smart waste management platform where individuals can sell their garbage in return for rewards. GooGreens helps solve the problem of plastic waste by connecting an intelligent waste collecting machine with a large database of households, while creating jobs for disadvantaged and homeless people.

Samakee Bamrung Wittaya School encourages students and parents to supply waste to GooGreens, and host GooGreens value-added waste sorting trainings. It is considered a prototype site for educational purposes.

RITTEC, with its advanced technology to convert multilayer PET to monomers, is a partner looking to purchase large quantities of recycled plastic materials from GooGreens