Generating local economy through regenerating local resources

Converting rice mills to generate carbon credits and create value chains around rice husk
Green Technologies

In 2008, the initiative introduced an innovative technology that reduces the energy consumption of conventional rice mill furnaces by roughly 60%. Firstly, the energy-efficient technology not only reduces the amount of rice husk used as fuel for the boiler, thereby reducing the amount of waste (Rice Husk Ash - RHA) produced in the process, but it also reduces carbon emissions significantly and therefore generates carbon credits. The energy-efficient technology also increases the competitiveness of rice mill owners and can be applied to thousands of rice mills in Bangladesh.

Secondly, the project protects the environment and generates income by creating value chains around the rice byproducts.

  • Rice Husk Ash (RHA) is recycled into low-cost cement. Besides offering a steady income, the cost-effective RHA cement enables the local population to become entrepreneurs and it will improve rural infrastructure. Furthermore, it will reduce the disposal of RHA into the wetlands, hereby preventing pollution and protecting biodiversity which in turn improves the livelihoods of fishing communities.
  • The saved rice husk can be pressed into charcoal-like carbon sticks to serve as fuel in private households, who mainly rely on wood from surrounding trees for cooking and lighting.
Eco-Inclusive Impacts
This initiative uses an energy-efficient technology in rice mills to generate carbon credits and also encourages locals to be entrepreneurs.
  • Offering steady income and enabling the local population to become entrepreneurs.
  • Improving rural infrastructure through cost-effective RHA cement. 
  •  Reducing the disposal of RHA into the wetlands, improving the livelihoods of fishing communities.
  • Reducing carbon emissions significantly by using rice parboiling.
  • Preventing pollution and protecting biodiversity through the decrease in dumping rice husk ash into the environment.


  • Benefitting the local community with additional income as micro-entrepreneurs become established.
  • Increasing the competitiveness of rice mill owners with the energy-efficient technology.
  •  Making the initiative financially sustainable by generating carbon credits.


A cooperation between a national NGO, a research institution and a small-sized business introduces energy efficient technology in rice mills that will reduce carbon emissions and will avoid bio-diversity losses and degradation of agricultural lands, by recycling rice husk ash (RHA) for the production of cement and household fuel.

SHISUK is a pioneer NGO in community enterpriseSHISUK is a pioneer NGO in community enterprise approaches for sustainable development which received National Gold in 1999 by the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock.

PPRC is an independent centre for research and PPRC is an independent centre for research and social action.

Khulna University of Engineering & Technology’s Faculty of Civil Engineering is the technical partner, represented by Md Azad Khan and Dr. Alamgir.

Masers Progoti Rice Mill at Ullahpara, Sirajgonj willMasers Progoti Rice Mill at Ullahpara, Sirajgonj will serve as a model and demonstration site.