Find Folk Co., Ltd.

A one stop service for sustainable tourism
2021 SEED Low Carbon Awards; IKI BMU
Green Technologies

Find Folk co-creates responsible tourism experiences with local communities. The enterprise also educates tourism stakeholders on responsible and sustainable tourism with a view to having them use the limited resources in their communities productively.

Their three main sources of revenue are responsible tourism consultancy, providing responsible tourism responsible experiences and CSR & CSV activities designer.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts


  • Enabling higher revenues to local communities. Find Folk assists local communities in developing sustainable tourism activities as an alternative source of income



  • Highlighting the importance of sustainability when working with communities
  • Designing activities that ensure tourists pollute less while travelling


  • Stimulating economic growth and job creation in local communities by attracting tourism, ensuring 70% of revenue generated flows to the local communities
  • Working with 50 local communities to date generating 20M Baht in revenue, 70% of which flows back to the communities


Find Folk is a social enterprise that aims for sustainability in the tourism industry: increasing positive impacts and income for local communities, while reducing negative environmental impacts. It works on encouraging sustainable and responsible thinking within the Thai tourism industry.

AirAsia is a client for which Finding Folk runs CSR projects connected to sustainable tourism.

Northeastern Research Institute of Petrified Wood and Mineral Resources, NRRU advises Finding Folk on responsible tourism projects and working with local communities.