
Everpix and its partners create income for rural communities by manufacturing and selling a diversified portfolio of sustainable novel products made from natural resources. Indigenous tree planting by communities and the establishment of integrated “green” business development hubs empower future growth. In response to rapidly growing demand for novel natural oils, Everpix has developed a technology for extracting high-quality oil from marula nuts, an abundant and easily stored raw material available to local communities. The technology is scalable, easily replicable and adaptable to other raw materials. Local communities in South Africa often lack the manufacturing technology to derive high-quality products from their natural resources and the logistics skills to ensure demand is met. Everpix provides them with the required technology and expertise.
- Strengthening and formalising women-led community structures, helping them to become equal business partners.
- Helping them sustainably manage their biodiversity and water resources.
- Reducing land degradation and improving water quality through sustainable management of natural resources.
- Planting indigenous trees restores and conserves the biodiversity of the ecosystem.
- Providing capacity, expertise and guidance for communities on how to create income from the value-added sale of products.
- Leading to increased rural income and greater rural purchasing power, boosting local economic activity.
Everpix (Pty) Ltd. develops and commercialises the technology and processes, and then sells the oil derived from raw materials.
The African Conservation Trust (ACT) supports the community network, improving access to information and enhancing the development of “green” community business hubs.
Community coordinators run the supply chains and implement the local community business hubs with support from ACT.