Energy Unlimited (Powered by Nature)

Providing affordable clean energy household devices via stakeholder partnerships
2014 SEED Africa Award; Government of Flanders
Clean Energy

Energy Unlimited's goal is to fight energy poverty and enhance the three main pillars which can only in conjunction drive a sustainable mass-scale uptake of clean energy technologies in the country:

1) AWARENESS - we educate the public about clean energy technologies by partnering with various stakeholders like the media, research and development partners.

2) ACCESS - we aim at creating a last-mile distribution network building on existing as well and innovative structures, to bring the products to where the consumers are

3) AFFORDABILITY - we test different finance mechanisms and payment models to enforce an integrated, pro-poor development of the clean energy market.

The enterprise seeks to improve energy access in Malawi by

- advising institutional partners on how to integrate renewable energy technologies into income generation, livelihoods, farming or energy efficiency projects etc.

- working with existing suppliers of clean energy technologies, like micro-energy solar kits like lanterns and PV panels, energy-efficient cookstoves, charging stations and smart off-grid agricultural tools

- testing and own import of not yet available, but locally appropriate technology or triggering development by local partners, where possible

- linking the demand and supply chains through the development of a local Clean Energy Entrepreneur network and integrating innovative payment and finance models.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
The clean energy household products improve indoor air quality and education, reduce firewood consumption and increase household incomes. The programme supports local entrepreneurs, primarily women, in the clean energy business.
  • Reducing indoor air pollution, reducing respiratory diseases that particularly affect women and children.
  • Reducing danger risks associated with charcoal and firewood collection, open fires or paraffin use.
  • Increasing hours of productivity and educational outcomes through improved lighting conditions.
  • Decreasing deforestation by reducing firewood consumption.
  • Reducing household carbon emissions.
  • Saving CO2 emissions from paraffin lamps, biomass burning and conservation of more trees.


  • Offering entrepreneurial opportunities for local businesses and women groups.
  • paraffin
  • Increasing household savings from energy-efficient cookstoves and lighting systems, in turn promoting investment in education, business development or health services.


Energy Unlimited is developing a clean-energy value chain providing quality-proven and affordable clean energy devices to rural an urban households and institutions in Malawi. By partnering with community stakeholders, other programmes and the media, the enterprise educates the general public about clean technologies and trains women and men to use renewable energy technologies productively to run their own clean energy enterprises.

Energy Unlimited focuses on renewable clean energy technologies for productive use and integrated energy entrepreneurship development in Malawi, especially with women entrepreneurs. 

The Oyster Ltd. runs the clean energy distribution programme Powered by Nature, through which household-scale clean energy products are supplied and marketed in cooperation with distribution partners.

Capital Radio is a local radio station that has agreed to produce and air programmes on energy poverty, its impacts on Malawian society, to assist the enterprise in educating the public.