Energy & Sanitation Engineering Eagle (ESEE)

Converting waste into usable resources through biogas sanitation systems
2021 SEED Climate Adaptation Awards; Government of Flanders
Waste Management

ESEE operates a community-based business model, where community members are tasked to collect waste, which are sold to the enterprise. ESEE attaches a monetary value to the waste collected by communities, which has indirectly led to community-led natural resources management.

The collected waste is turned into biogas fuel used as alternative energy in cooking, and electricity generation. Collected waste is also turned into biofertilizer that substitutes commercial fertiliser for households and farmers.

Eco-inclusive Impacts
Biogas provides rural communities with a clean, alternative energy source to firewood, thus contributing to reduce deforestation that is exacerbating the impacts of climate change in the region.
  • Improving living conditions of households and reducing respiratory conditions
  • Contributing to sanitation and hygiene in local spaces through waste collection services
  • Reducing diseases like Cholera and Typhoid resulting from poor waste management
  • Contributing to reducing GHG emissions by avoiding methane emissions through supply of clean cooking fuel
  • Targeting the removal of 10 tonnes of biodegradable waste daily from local communities
  • Saving up to 634 tonnes of firewood per annum
  • Providing livelihoods to 10 people from the community
  • Reducing household expenditures on energy fuel on an average of $135 per annum
  • Creating up to 1,000 indirect jobs within one year of operation



ESEE purchases biodegradable waste from rural communities and converts it into biogas and biofertilizer that is resold to the communities. Aside from generating additional income, ESEE products provide access to clean energy and affordable organic farming inputs to poor rural households.

Flame Tree Initiative helps ESEE absorb external funding, develop partnerships, and scale their operations.


Mzuzu University - Department of Energy Systems supports the enterprise with capacity building in renewable energy technologies.