
Increasing access to affordable electricity in off-grid areas.
2014 SEED Africa Award; Government of Flanders
Clean Energy

The enterprise rents out and sells solar battery kits including appliances. The kits are rented out through solar electricity kiosks operated by the enterprise, or sold directly to distributors, retailers and customers. The kiosks are installed in off-grid communities, especially in areas where there are no plans to expand the country’s grid. 

Rented kits can be re-charged at the kiosks. One electricity kiosk serves 150 to 500 customers who have the option to use their mobile phone to pay for the rental. 

Solar-powered battery packs sold by the enterprise increase entrepreneurial opportunities for off-grid community members by powering their private business ventures, such as shops or barber salons. The increased availability of electricity generates more household income and reduces energy expenditures.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Solar-powered battery packs sold by the enterprise increase entrepreneurial opportunities for off-grid community members by powering their private business ventures, helping to generate more household income and reducing energy expenditures.
  • Improving electricity access and security in villages through street lighting.
  • Improving education and information dissemination as locals have more opportunities to study during the night, watch television or listen to the radio.
  • Reducing deforestation by replacing wood as a fuel source.
  • Reducing indoor air pollution and carbon emissions from the use of polluting fuels.
  • Creating cleaner communities with decreased use of disposable batteries. 
  • Reducing household energy expenditures.
  • Increasing household income due to greater potential to start and maintain private businesses, such as shops or barber salons, due to increased electricity availability.


Electricity4All sells and rents solar-battery kits and accessories at solar electricity kiosks in rural off-grid areas. Each kiosk serves up to 500 customers who can use mobile phones to process payments. By collaborating with international foundations and multinationals, the enterprise helps rural entrepreneurs power their private businesses, reduces energy expenditures, contributes to forest protection, and eliminates the use of toxic batteries.

Electricity4All is a social enterprise that implements solar electricity kiosks and distributes solar energy products in Malawi.

The Scottish Malawi Foundation helped to pilot the electricity kiosk concept in Malawi. Since 2005, SMF has empowered women in Malawi through projects in cooperation with microfinance organisations.

BBOXX is a company operating in more than 14 countries that supplies the solar equipment used by the enterprise and provides maintenance and remote monitoring services.

The Program on Energy and Sustainable Development (PESD) at Stanford University is monitoring the impact of electricity kiosks and will evaluate their socio-economic impact in Malawi.