
Sustainable, bio-based wood-product made from coconut and bagasse waste
SWITCH Africa Green
Waste Management

Ecovon is developing a new building material made from sustainably sourced wood made from coconut husk and sugar cane bagasse. By relying on agricultural waste, the company prevents deforestation. It contributes to the mitigation of climate change via a CO2 neutral production. At the same time, the anti-fungal and slow-burning material does not require additives such as glue or chemicals. It will serve as a cheap and strong building material for local communities and larger markets. Sugarcane and coconut producers will benefit via the recycling of their waste and local community members, mostly youth and women, will be provided with additional jobs.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Ecovon's bio-based and renewable wood product with a cheap production process has a bright prospect ahead and will create inclusive employment opportunities.
  • Mitigating climate change with recycling that reduces CO2 emissions and prevents deforestation.
  • Providing a more environmentally friendly alternative to other wood products.
  • Making rural communities, youth and women as an integral part of the value chain.
  • Creating a source of income for coconut and sugarcane producing farmers.
  • Generating wealth and employment: aims to create 100 direct and 500 indirect jobs.
  • Providing a cheap alternative to expensive building materials that will be marketed in various industries.


Sustainable, bio-based and non-additive wood-product made from coconut and bagasse waste.

Ghana Climate Innovation Centre provides mentorship and programmes, proof of concept and technical development financing.