Commercialization of Prosopis Juliflora Products from Affected Areas

Manufacturing Prosopis products and creating livelihoods for local communities

The initiative creates alternative incomes for pastoral communities by manufacturing Prosopis products and helping to generate markets for them. At the same time, the initiative contributes to controlling the spread of this invasive species, thus helping to conserve biodiversity. Proposis julifora currently covers an area of over 10,000 square kilometers in Kenya and continues to spread due to prolific seeding. Ongoing complementary research projects on Prosopis products have attracted considerable interest from many potential commercial users in Kenya. By purchasing, transporting, adding value and carrying out market activities, the initiative aims to link the local communities who manufacture Prosopis products to markets in Kenya and abroad. 

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
This initiative creates economic opportunities by linking the local communities who manufacture Prosopis products to markets in Kenya and abroad. In this way, it also controls the spread of Prosopis and clears grazing lands.
  • Producing feed supplements for over 1.3 million livestock which ensures livelihoods of over 1.5 million people nationwide.
  • Providing value-added charcoal for the urban markets utilising an invasive tree species and relieves the pressure on indigenous species.
  • Controlling the spread of Prosopis by milling seedpods for livestock feed supplements and managing the harvest of Prosopis.
  • Clearing large areas of grazing land that have been invaded by Prosopis to the detriment of pastoral communities.
  • Introducing a new competitive and organic livestock feed and human food product to the local and international market.
  • Formalising the charcoal market in Kenya, promoted through certification.



“Commercialization of Prosopis Juliflora Products from Affected Areas”. A local community-based NGO, the FAO and a Kenyan company and research institute have mobilized efforts to control the undesirable spread of the Prosopis tree by promoting its commercial use as charcoal, timber and pods for livestock feed. The development of a sustainable national market will maximize returns to local communities.

Juliflora: a local NGO, promotes the commercialJuliflora, a local NGO, promotes the commercial use of Prosopis in Kenya.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) provides some funds and technical support and assists with research.

The Kenya Forestry Research Institute (KEFRI) provides technical guidance for the felling programme and cleared sites.

Kenya Juliflora Ltd. links communities, which produce Prosopis products to the regional and national markets.