BN Aqua Solutions

Providing innovative water solutions
2019 SEED Africa & South Africa Climate Adaptation Awards; Government of Flanders
Water, Sanitation & Health (WASH)
South Africa

BN Aqua Solutions uses a metallurgical waste product to treat acidic water to potable stage. The treated acid mine water is then sold to mines to save on drinking water costs and reduces the mines’ dependency from the municipalities. As the operating mines are large consumers of drinking water,  this increases municipalities’ water capacity and the country's water footprint. The custom-made packaged treatment plants will be built and set up onsite at the mines. 

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
BN Aqua Solutions helps to create employment opportunities in mining communities with the stationing of plants to treat acid mine water into clean water,safe for human consumption. It also reduces waste and prevents pollution by using a metallurgical waste product to treat acid mine water.
  • Employing 24 plant personnel, benefiting various communities with regards to employment
  • Sourcing materials to build the plants from local suppliers
  • Providing opportunities to students from Tshwane University of Technology to help build the plants
  • Treating acid mine water into safe water for human consumption, increasing availability of drinking water
  • Supporting environmental remediation and pollution prevention
  • Increasing the country’s water footprint by treating acid mine waste into potable water
  • Creating employment opportunities in mining communities through the stationing of plants at the mines





BN Aqua Solutions has built and commissioned a prototype to treat acidic water to potable stage for human consumption.

The University of Johannesburg is a South African University that has assisted BN Aqua Solutions with research and owns the intellectual property of the project.

The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has funded and helped to build the prototype. The prototype is also based at the CSIR.