Authentic Ugandan Experience

Eco-sustainable tourism destinations in rural Uganda
SWITCH Africa Green

Authentic Ugandan Experience focuses on developing culturally and naturally rich Ugandan rural villages as eco and sustainable tourism destinations, and create new sustainable, economic and social opportunities for the village dwellers. They offer custom eco-tours, cultural excursions and adventure packages that support causes in the local communities. Their online platform also allows for showcasing of handmade crafts from youth groups, disabled and women which helps them to earn additional income.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
Authentic Ugandan Experience promotes a form of tourism that focuses on environmental, social and cultural sustainability that benefits the local communities. Parts of their revenues go to local charities and capacity-building initiatives.
  • Encouraging responsible travel experiences; every adventure booking is matched with planting a tree.
  • Raising awareness of the importance of fresh and local produces through authentic community dinners.
  • Enhancing livelihoods of local communities with fair and equitable tourism
  • Involving local residents and emphasizing community development, contributing to a social cause.
  • Local hosts can earn additional income and local communities get to showcase their artisanal work on the webpage.



Authentic Ugandan Experience focuses on developing culturally and naturally rich Ugandan rural villages as eco and sustainable tourism destinations, and create new sustainable, economic and social opportunities for the village dwellers.

Gloneva Uganda gives an opportunity to work with the youth in the slum areas.

Enterprise Uganda provides support through mentorship.