Aqua Green and Projects

Using aquaculture production to alleviate poverty and ensure rural development
2019 SEED Africa & South Africa Climate Adaptation Awards; Government of Flanders
Sustainable Agriculture
South Africa

Aqua Green and Projects Agricultural Primary co-operative helps to improve the livelihoods of the community it operates in through catfish farming and production. It focuses on catfish as it can grow in high densities and is less expensive to farm. The fish is marketed and sold to the local community including middle class and immigrant customers.

Its catfish farming activities are integrated with vegetable farming (Aquaponics). The catfish waste produced is also an input to its vegetable growing.

Eco-Inclusive Impacts
  • Conducting training on how to form co-operatives and on co-operative governance community members keen to set up their own co-operatives
  • Introducing fish farming to youth attending the local agricultural high school
  • Conserving water through the use of aquaculture production systems which re-use water and reduce its loss
  • Using fish waste fertiliser for its vegetable growing aquaponics system, thus preventing the use of chemical fertiliser
  • Improving the local economy through job creation
  • Fish is an affordable source of protein-thus it can address the nutritional needs of poverty stricken communities



The Aqua Green and Projects Agricultural Primary co-operative farms and produces catfish and vegetables. The enterprise focuses on catfish farming, as it is a low-cost practice and makes it accessible to the poor. The fish is sold to the local community.

The University of Limpopo has assisted the co-operative through catfish production training and has formally committed to support the business. They support through mentoring, coaching, site visits and selection.

Catfish Supreme will provide mentorship support on catfish farming and systems.
They will also provide administrative and financial management support.